The Lyme Township Board of Trustees is issuing this important notice regarding road right-of-way maintenance and compliance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5547.04 & 5543.14. As your township trustees, we are committed to ensuring the safety and accessibility of our roadways for all residents.
Per Ohio law, the standard road right-of-way extends approximately 30 feet from the center of the road in both directions. This area must remain clear of obstructions to ensure public safety and proper road maintenance. Any objects within this right-of-way, including but not limited to:
- Trees and tree limbs
- Crops or agricultural plantings
- Landscaping features
- Structures or personal property
- Fencing or decorative items
must be removed by the property owner. These items can create hazardous conditions by:
- Limiting visibility at intersections and driveways
- Interfering with proper drainage
- Creating obstacles for snow removal and road maintenance
- Posing risks to vehicles that may leave the roadway
- Impeding clear sight lines for motorists and pedestrians
Please note that property owners may be held liable for any accidents or damages caused by obstructions placed or maintained within the road right-of-way. Additionally, the township may be required to remove such obstructions at the property owner's expense to maintain public safety.
According to Ohio Revised Code Section 5589.01, while mailboxes are permitted within the road right-of-way, property owners are responsible for ensuring their mailboxes meet both U.S. Postal Service requirements and safety standards. The U.S. Postal Service requires mailboxes to be positioned 41-45 inches above ground level and set back 6-8 inches from the front face of the curb or road edge. Posts must be of breakaway design for safety - wooden posts should not be larger than 4x4 inches, and metal posts should not be larger than 2-inch diameter standard steel pipe. Property owners may be held liable for damages or injuries caused by mailboxes that don't meet these specifications. Additionally, per ORC 5589.01, any mailbox installation that presents a hazard to public travel can be deemed a nuisance and property owners may be required to modify or relocate the installation. The Township is not responsible for damage to mailboxes that are improperly installed or do not meet these specifications.
The Board of Trustees will be conducting regular inspections and working to ensure all road right-of-ways are properly maintained. We kindly request your cooperation in removing any items that may be encroaching on the right-of-way on your property.
If you have any questions about what constitutes right-of-way on your property or need clarification about specific items, please contact the Township Trustees.
We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and your continued cooperation in maintaining safe roadways for our community.
Mike Nottke 419-483-7871
Roger Hunker 419-217-2828
Joseph Lepley 419-541-0400
Renae Taggart-Fiscal Officer 419-217-9995
Township Hall 419- 483-6373
Jim Miller- Maintenance Supervisor
Please use recommended social distancing while at dump day.
The last Saturday of each month (except December) Lyme Township offers a dumpster service. These dumpsters are placed at the township hall for use by township residents. Please be sure to breakdown cardboard boxes and use the recycle when possible. Recycle is to be used for alumi
Please use recommended social distancing while at dump day.
The last Saturday of each month (except December) Lyme Township offers a dumpster service. These dumpsters are placed at the township hall for use by township residents. Please be sure to breakdown cardboard boxes and use the recycle when possible. Recycle is to be used for aluminum, newspaper, clean tin cans, and glass. Recycle bags are provide for recycle use NOT for trash. Do not place anything in the dumpsters prior to Saturday 8:00am or After Saturday 4:00pm. If we have residents that do not follow these guidelines the trustees will be forced to change the schedule and procedure for our dump days.
Hours 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Trustee Meetings are scheduled for the
1st & 3rd Monday of each month.
Meeting begin at 7:30 pm
Exceptions are;
September will meet 1st Tuesday of in observance of Labor Day.
Final Meeting for 2024 will be December 31st at 7:30 AM